Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tokyo Throbs

Ahoy all devoted followers! You are beautiful!

We are still in Tokyo and it is throbbing. Yesirree Bob. Our iodine tablets arrived in the post from the NZ Embassy yesterday - they're to be taken incase of a meltdown which is highly unlikely. To be honest things here are as normal as ever. A few lights and escalators off and that's it.

Blog hog: People should email Hannah and tell her to write a blog. I feel like a blog hog - just a plain ole blog hog. But Han won't blog so it must be me that blogs and hogs. Onward Sir Hogulese!

Yeah yeah yeah. We are good good good here in Tokyo.

Killed seventeen ninjas this week.
Cop flop: We're still in Shibuya (Throbuya). I still aint used to the copious amounts of people teeming here and there - not just in Shibuya - simple everywhere in Tokyo. It really is freakish. As an American cop called Tony I met said: "Some one should tell the Japanese they don't all have to live in Tokyo". Well said Tony - it's even more fun if you do it in Cliff from Cheers voice - if you don't know who that is the pig from Toy Story will do. Tony was an interesting guy to honest. A cop from Chicago. Here's an excerpt from a conversation about guns we had whilst I was taking him to the sento.

Me: So do you carry your piece when you're off duty?"
Tony: Oh yeah  - Off dooty - on dooty - I'd feel naked widout my gun.
Me: You don't have a gun now though right?
Tony: Exactly - I feel totally naked.

In hindsight this was probably good mental preparation for the extreme nakedness of the sento that was to come.

Job and blob: Hannah has landed a full-time job. A pretty sweet one too. She's finding it interesting and of course getting used to it. It's in a private school in Hiroo teaching kids. From what the locals tell me. Hiroo is the rich area - kind of like Newtown in Wellington will be in twenty years time... I have a job offer here http://www.oneup.jp/ and am starting this Friday. I have a few other opportunities in the line too, so we are doing okay job wise. Apart from that I have been the lonely tourist this week with Hannah working. Yesterday I went to Akihabara and played some games. In fact I'l be honest I went to the Sega game palace that has pretty much every Sega arcade game played and clocked Jurassic Park. Booya! Punk Raptors didn't stand a chance. 

Hanami: As I have mentioned previously it is the Sakura blossom season and they're starting to fire up their beauty. In Japan it is traditional to go for a Hanami (Hanami (花見?, lit. "flower viewing"). We went on Saturday with a few NZ expats and a few Japanese locals. It was quite an experience. Basically seas of people go to the park, sit under the sakura and drink, eat and chat. It was a load of fun. This Saturday we're heading down again with a local church to tidy up Yoyogi Park. 

1. Find blossoming Sakura
2. Sit under flowers. 3. Eat, drink and /or talk

By the way Yoyogi Park is amazing - but more about that in tomorrows post.

But here is a sneak peak of what goes down there. 

And here is a picture of a man sleeping on the train to close out the perfect blog post.

"Zzzzzzz" (Translation: That's how I role)

1 comment:

  1. Nice stuff man, keep it up, and get Hannah to write something too... or just make up what she says.
